What the Bleep Do We Know!? (also written What tнe⃗ #$*! Dө⃗ ωΣ (k)πow!? and What the #$*! Do We Know!?) is a controversial 2004 film that combines documentary interviews and a fictional narrative to posit a connection between science and spirituality
A new original movie compiling the best excerpts from the following motion pictures:
- What the Bleep Do We Know!? (1hr 40m)
- What the Bleep-Down the Rabbit Hole (2hrs 30m)
- What the Bleep-Quantum Edition (5 hrs)
on the bottom of each page click on older posts to see more and thank you for visiting. May God bless you all
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
STARTLING PROOFS - Does God Really Exist? creation vs
It is the demand of every skeptic, "Prove to me that God exists.' Of course, making a decision to accept the Gospel of Christ is a matter of faith. But, as this shocking new video shows, the evidence of a superior being is a matter of fact. New discoveries in science, creation, archaeology and the sudden and rapid fulfillment of Bible prophecy are all convincing even the most determined skeptics to take a second look. In this fast-moving docu-drama you'll see the startling new evidences that prove God exists! Then do one simple thing. Judge the evidence for yourself. Featuring scientists and leading Bible scholars like Peter and Paul Lalonde, Grant Jeffrey, Dave Breese, Dave Hunt, and Chuck Missler, this is a thought-provoking video that will leave viewers with a wealth of evidence upon which to weigh decisions.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Water Cure
Speaks for itself... http://www.watercure.com/ http://www.watercure2.org/ http://www.curezone.com/foods/watercure.asp http://www.curezone.com/foods/saltpage.asp http://www.iluvwater.com/ (alkaline water cure)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hidden Facts Proving Jesus Christ's Resurrection
Hidden Facts Proving Jesus Christ's Resurrection. Visit me at http://www.soldierforlordjesuschrist.com to learn this and much more about the reality of this world and the next that involve you and your loved ones. Times Running Out!
Answers in Genesis - The Seeing Eye
Anatomist Dr. David Menton takes you on a journey into the marvelous intricacies of the human eye, which has the clear stamp of the Creator and leaves skeptics speechless.
Answers in Genesis - The Hearing Ear
Anatomist Dr. David Menton takes you on a journey into the marvelous intricacies of the human ear, which has the clear stamp of the Creator and leaves skeptics speechless.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
UFOs & the Bible in history & in prophecy-Feature
IMPORTANT: Final Version available for viewing at broadcast quality at : www.thinkagainproductions.com DVD available at : www.thinkagainproductions.com Alien abductions explained: UFOs & the Bible in history & in prophecy-Feature This groundbreaking documentary brings together UFO research and biblical scholarship. These two fields of knowledge placed together bring new insight into the UFO phenomenon and alien abductions and demythologizes ancient accounts of angels and gods. What does Biblical prophecy say about the role of UFOs in the future? FEATURING: Dr. Chuck Misler, Dr. Barry Downing, Dr. David Jacobs, Sigung John Peel.
Michael Cremo - "Forbidden Archeology"
(French introduction) English conference with Micheal L.Cremo, author of the best seller:
The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money..." THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon's Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 911 Globalism bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg illuminati bohemian grove idi amin freemason Video news on "Federal Reserve":
Intelligent Design - Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life
A thoughtful and well presented argument for a turn away from the dry/rationalist argument that the miracle of life is a "nothing but" - scientifically explained foregone conclusion. Their is "intelligence" behind the design
In Search of Noah's Ark
An investigation into the theory that Mt. Ararat in Turkey is the final resting place of Noah's Ark.
Revealing God's Treasure - Sodom & Gomorrah
See ashen formations, brimstone, cremated bone in the cities destroyed by the wrath of God along the Dead Sea.
Revealing God's Treasure - Mt. Sinai
The real Mt. Sinai is over in Saudi Arabia, just as Paul said. See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Revealing God's Treasure - Red Sea Crossing
See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Privileged Planet.
There is an opinion, common among scientists and intellectuals, that our Earthly existence is not only rather ordinary, but in fact, insignificant and purposeless. The late astronomer Carl Sagan typifies this view in his book "Pale Blue Dot":
But perhaps this melancholy assumption, despite its heroic pretense, is mistaken. Perhaps the unprecedented scientific knowledge acquired in the last century, enabled by equally unprecedented technological achievements, should, when properly interpreted, contribute to a deeper appreciation of our place in the cosmos.
In this 60-minute video documentary we will explore a striking feature of the natural world. A feature as widely grounded in the evidence of nature as it is wide-ranging in its implications: the conditions that allow for intelligent life on Earth also make it strangely well suited for viewing and analyzing the universe.
The fact that our atmosphere is clear; that our moon is just the right size and distance from Earth, and that its gravity stabilizes the Earth’s rotation; that our position in our galaxy is just so; that our sun is its precise mass and composition: all of these factors (and many more), are not only necessary for Earth’s habitability; they also have been surprisingly crucial for scientists to measure and make discoveries about the universe.
Mankind is unusually well positioned to decipher the cosmos. To put it more technically, “measurability” seems to correlate with habitability.
But is this correlation between the existence of complex life and our ability to make scientific discoveries simply a coincidence or the result of blind chance? Or does it point to a deeper explanation? The Privileged Planet will examine these questions in a remarkable search for evidence of design and purpose within the universe.
Utilizing stunning computer animation and the visual archives of NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope Institute, the European Space Agency, and leading observatories throughout the world, the program will present a spectacular view of our planet, galaxy, and the entire cosmos.
The result is an extraordinary documentary
and a fascinating look at a timeless question:
What is our significance
within the grand scheme of the universe?
But perhaps this melancholy assumption, despite its heroic pretense, is mistaken. Perhaps the unprecedented scientific knowledge acquired in the last century, enabled by equally unprecedented technological achievements, should, when properly interpreted, contribute to a deeper appreciation of our place in the cosmos.
In this 60-minute video documentary we will explore a striking feature of the natural world. A feature as widely grounded in the evidence of nature as it is wide-ranging in its implications: the conditions that allow for intelligent life on Earth also make it strangely well suited for viewing and analyzing the universe.
The fact that our atmosphere is clear; that our moon is just the right size and distance from Earth, and that its gravity stabilizes the Earth’s rotation; that our position in our galaxy is just so; that our sun is its precise mass and composition: all of these factors (and many more), are not only necessary for Earth’s habitability; they also have been surprisingly crucial for scientists to measure and make discoveries about the universe.
Mankind is unusually well positioned to decipher the cosmos. To put it more technically, “measurability” seems to correlate with habitability.
But is this correlation between the existence of complex life and our ability to make scientific discoveries simply a coincidence or the result of blind chance? Or does it point to a deeper explanation? The Privileged Planet will examine these questions in a remarkable search for evidence of design and purpose within the universe.
Utilizing stunning computer animation and the visual archives of NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope Institute, the European Space Agency, and leading observatories throughout the world, the program will present a spectacular view of our planet, galaxy, and the entire cosmos.
The result is an extraordinary documentary
and a fascinating look at a timeless question:
What is our significance
within the grand scheme of the universe?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Electric Universe Pt1 of 4
The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo. Alternatives that may represent the future of science. The Thunderbolts Project offers remarkably simple explanations for 'black holes', 'dark matter', the electric sun, comets that are NOT made of ice, planetary scarring and many other 'mysterious' phenomena. It proposes that much of the currently observable phenomena of deep space can be intelligently explained by already known principles of electricity. High school students get it immediately. A doctorate in higher math is not required. This extraordinary new theory also redefines ancient history, linking rock art images carved in basalt 5,000 years ago with identical images found only in Hubble photographs of deep space or in photographs of recently declassified high-energy plasma discharge experiments generated in a billion dollar lab. The Thunderbolts Project invites you to participate in this revolution, to test and even challenge its validity, or, if finding it rational and intriguing enough, to contribute to its expansion and further evolution.
Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing
This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. Watch it, you will be amazed.
Great Pyramd Ancient Wonder Modern Mystery
This production challenges conventional thinking probing science, history and the Bible. It reaveals evidence that the Great Pyramid was a prophetic blueprint illustrating God's plan for man. Experts explore its chambers and passages, and uncover astounding mathematical, geographical and scienticic facts which undeniably point to Bible prophecies.
secret to the pyramids ANTI GRAVITY - Coral Castle! Part 1
A documentary about the creator of Coral castle who claims to have had the information of how the pyramids where made
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