Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creation Is A Scientific Fact - Final Cut

"Lucy She's No Lady!"

Dr. David Men­ton, of An­swers In Gen­e­sis, gives a lec­ture about "Lucy", an Aus­tralo­p­ithecine, which is still taught as an an­ces­tor to hu­mans, by evo­lu­tion­ists. The facts show that "Lucy" was an ex­tinct pygmy Chimp.
Al­so, "no fos­sil ho­minid species can be es­tab­lished as our di­rect an­ces­tor."-​ Richard Lewon­ton (evo­lu­tion­ist), 1982, Hu­man Di­ver­si­ty, p.153

Dr. David Menton (AiG)- "Lucy", She's No Lady

Darwin‘s Myth | Myspace Music Videos

Answers in Genesis - The Seeing Eye

Anatomist Dr. David Menton takes you on a journey into the marvelous intricacies of the human eye, which has the clear stamp of the Creator and leaves skeptics speechless.

The Hearing Ear by Dr. David Menton


Dr David Menton
Creationist Anatomist

Dr. David Menton (AiG)- The Hearing Ear

Darwin‘s Myth | Myspace Music Videos

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Bow my Knee - Jesus - Rapture of the Church

This song is from a Christian band called FORM. The song is from their album - "Follow". Listen to the whole song and read the message at the end. God Bless.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Old Testament Proof of the Coming of Christ

The Evidence for the Existence of Jesus