Saturday, September 20, 2008

23 Minutes in HELL!

Bill was given a 23 minute tour of Hell with Jesus Christ, and tells about the absolute unspeakable misery that lost souls have to endure. You've never heard anything like this before! ------------- **Please View the REFERENCE EDITION version of 23 Minutes is Hell Video, It is much Higher quality) Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit. "Tell them I am coming very, very soon!" It took him 1 year just to settle down. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell. Everyone is curious about the afterlife, and now Wiese shares his insights to commonly asked questions such as: * Is hell a literal burning place? * Where is hell? * Do you have a body in hell? * Are there Degrees of punishment in hell? * Are there children in hell? * Can Demons torment people in hell? * Can "good" people go to hell? "Even if you don’t believe my story, I hope you will believe the Scriptures and avoid hell just the same." From Robert Every Christian must read this. Yes Jesus still reveals Himself to people, and is giving people a final warning. Of all the preaching about Hell that I've heard, finally one of first hand experience. It goes so far beyond what I though hell was like. The phrase we use "seperation from God" just doesn't do justice to the absolute terror of Hell. Once you read it, you'll understand why Jesus died for us. The Lord has revealed to me, and to many others that this testimony is valid, and I've heard many testimonies of people's lives being changed after hearing the MP3 version. (**Available at Spiritlessons,com) My best friend called me up after a year of backsliding, and repented in tears for what he did, after he heard this testimony along with Mary K. Baxter's. It will wake up the Lukewarm, convict the Backslidden, warn the wicked, motivate the timid to share, & put a fear of God into all that hear. Now get out there and let's win this war

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