Sunday, July 18, 2010

666 Original Mark of the Beast . Number / Multitudes of the Beast . Spirit of AntiChrist . [& Text]

Χ [+] ξ [+] ς ..
John didn´t just write a 666 number on Revelation 13:18 to identify the Anti-Christ and his Mark. For some reason he draw 3 greek symbols, instead: chi, xi, stigma, that are greek letters, and numbers. The reason why he set these symbols in greek calligraphy is a mystery but maybe they offer a recognizable image to those who seek the number of the Multitudes of the Beast and their Mark.
There are MANY AntiChrists [1John 2:18] dragging Multitudes against the Messiah´s purpose, people and mesage. Their aim, that Spirit of AntiChrist [1John 4:3] that leads them, tends to gather them. And it s propheticed that they will gather leaded by the personification of the AntiChrist to the last Battle. [Revelation 19:19]
Χ + ξ + ς

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